根据箱东的要求,一般都会考虑用IICL(Institute of International Container Lessor)的检测,说分为防腐蚀性评分(75%),物理性能评分(20%)和表观评分(5%),过70分合格,
david2588 发表于 2009-1-25 22:26
有相关资料贡献给大家吗?一定大奖。作者: tanss 时间: 2009-2-3 23:10 http://www.iicl.org/
老大可以参考以上网站,看一看!作者: tanss 时间: 2009-2-3 23:14
Institute of International Container Lessor
IICL为Institute of International Container Lessors的缩写,即国际集装箱租赁公司协会,1971年成立于美国华盛顿特区。该协会由其成员每年选举出来的董事会管理。其会员为世界上各大主要的集装箱租赁公司,其会员所拥有和管理的集装箱占世界上在流通的集装箱总数90%左右。由IICL所制定的集装箱相关规范也被认为是最具权威性的,尽管其并为列为法律。它是一个国际性民间组织。IICL推出的集装箱验箱师考试也是业内也是全球唯一的被普遍认同的一张pass。
The Institute of International Container Lessors (IICL) was organized in 1971 and presently maintains its headquarters in Washington, DC. The Institute is a Delaware (USA) corporation and is governed by a board of directors elected annually by the membership. IICL’s membership engages in leasing marine cargo containers and chassis to ship operators and others on a broad international basis. Members own or manage approximately 90% of the leased container fleet, roughly half of the world container fleet. As well as own and lease a high percentage of the U.S. chassis fleet. IICL is active in governmental, regulatory, customs, tax, educational, technological and environmental fields. The Institute conducts activities by means of, among others, a Technology Committee and a Tax and Legal Committee comprised of representatives from member companies and through its staff at IICL headquarters.
3〉guide for container damage measurement-集装箱损坏测量手册:顾名思义,就是教你怎么测量损坏的程度,比如说箱体上凹或凸多少,裂开多少。你必须学会测量的手段,才能准确测量书损坏的程度是否达到需要修理的程度。这本书也是教材的核心,和inspection那本书是相连的。内容比较简单,有很多图,记忆性的东西很少。和以上两本书构成本套教材的“三巨头”,正是考试80%以上的内容源于这三本书。
4〉general guide for contaienr cleaning:-集装箱清洗指南:叫你怎么洗箱子。不要以为很简单,用水冲一下就可以了。集装箱作为装货的容器,经常会被货物污染,如油污,化学残余物,油漆,动植物残渣等等。清洗在实际业务中可以说是一个大学问,洗箱也是集装箱堆场(depot)的主要工作之一,也是比较难把握的一块。本书基本都是污箱的图片,叫你怎样判断,污染到何种程度的集装箱需要清洗,占考试内容大约10分左右。本书内容不难。