The purpose of the programme of study is to produce graduates with advanced knowledge and practical skills in colour science and in the theory, application and analysis of polymers and surface coatings. Graduates will be able to plan experimentation and processes, be skilled in synthesis aspects, in characterisation aspects, in information technology and in communication. These skills will be supported by relevant up-to-date knowledge and confidence.
The teaching methods will involve on-site contact with relevant industries, interactive learning initiatives, lectures, tutorials, examples classes and seminars. Training in research planning will support research project work.
The programme comprises 180 credits, made up from 6 taught modules, 1 practical module and a research project dissertation.
Semester Code Credits Title
1 COLO5260M 15 Advanced Colour Science
1 COLO5080M 15 Advanced Polymer and Materials Science
1 COLO5150M 15 Dispersion Science and Technology
1 COLO5300M 15 Practical Skills
1 & 2 COLO5240M 30 Formulation and Application of Inks and Coatings
2 COLO5070M 15 Instrumental Analysis and Characterisation of Materials
2 COLO5110M 15 Optical Properties of Coloured Materials
2 & summer COLO5360M 60 Research Project作者: anarchist 时间: 2009-4-2 14:29
这个专业做涂料应该问题不大,COLO5260中还包括dye&pigment作者: howlet 时间: 2009-4-4 19:05
《涂料涂装工艺学》张学敏,表面胶体化学等!很基础的东西作者: dreamwindy 时间: 2009-4-7 08:44
呵呵,我学的是高分子涂料,不过都忘完了,搞了五年PVC生产,现在又回来搞涂装,谁能帮我呢作者: dreamwindy 时间: 2009-4-7 08:46